FRP手糊積層用短切氈 M123
應用于一系列手糊成型工藝,與聚酯和乙烯基酯樹脂結合,加工多種類型的復合材料,為運輸、娛樂、海洋和建筑行業服務。 The M123 chopped strand mat is made with medium size strands of Advantex® Glass Roving, held together by a powder binder which is extremely soluble in styrene. The basic strand has a sizing system containing a silane coupling agent. This sizing system combined the binder properties make M123 suitable with epoxy, vinylester and anti-corrosion resins.
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS (NOMINAL VALUES) WEIGHT (G/M²) LOSS ON IGNITION (%) MOISTURE - MAX VALUE(%) ISO 3374: 2000 ISO 1887: 1995 ISO 3344: 1997 225 ± 20% 4.5 ± 40% 0.2 300 ± 20% 3.5 ± 40% 450 ± 20% 3.2 ± 40%